Tuesday 27 November 2012

Discuss the way in which Some Girls uses camera shots, editing, sound and mise en scene to construct representations of generations.

The extract I will be looking at is an extract from Some Girls. The story is about a group of 4 teenagers who are best friends. Who are finding themselves and helping one another through the typical teenage life. In this extract Viva (one of the main friends is the main character). It is a comedy series. The extract includes split generation, one being the teenagers, and the other being adults (parents). This is what i will be looking about, generation.

(Sorry this paragraph includes both editing and camera shots)
The beginning of the extract is mostly made up of closeups and extreme close ups, this shows what the typical life of a teenager must involve, putting on makeup, doing hair, on their mobile. It is all a vital roll in showing the audience that there is already a clear division of teenage generation. The very fast wipes and fast cutting movements of the camera represents the fast lifestyles the teenagers are living in and how quickly there moods are changing from going closeup of one of the friends dramatically crying to then a mid shot of them jumping and dancing to the music. Where as as soon as the first adult is brought into the extract, it automatically shows the audience who is boss. As there the camera moves from a two shot back to over the shoulder shot. Using fast cutting movements showing the girls automatically go in a orderly fashion line and then immediately follow the teachers instructions. This automatically represents that adults are in control and although we have seen the girls as free living and doing as they please, when an adult is involved they follow instructions.Then as Viva finds out news she is very unhappy with, she storms out of the house, a 4 shot is used here showing Viva moody teenager face. As her dad sits on the floor with her brother playing video games. And the step mum relaxing. This represents the matureness that Viva has thinking she is able to move out but then the same shot with her father sitting there with no care, like he is the teenager. 

Mise en scene is used at the beginning of the extract as she applies her make up, doing her hair and putting on her uniform. We do not see Viva without her school uniform on and if we do she is wearing her pe kit. She has prefect badges on her blazer and this shows how responisible she really is even in the first 20 seconds we know this. So we know she is mature for her age. As she is doing her hair and makeup it shows that she cares about her appearence as she always has her hair perfect aswell. This shows that she takes pride in how she looks being a typical teenage girly girl. The extract begins with the sun hitting her face in the mirror, this lighting shows that it is the morning and she has prioritys in life to want to go to school, this is then backed up with when she says 'Noway will you catch me having a baby. Soon as i've finished sixth form i'll be off to uni'. This represents that she wants to aim higher than the rest of generation as overs are having babies at her age but she wants more than that. Also as she packs her banana in the morning she then hands it to the young mum because she hasnt had food. This represents that she should be the mum as she is paying the role of a mother, shows she is sensible and caring. Comparing all that to how her father is. Our first insight of him he is sitting down on a big one seater sofa, which should show he is 'man of the house' and makes all the rules. However we see other wise, as he is lounging back on the chair, wearing no shoes, jeans, and a opened shirt with a vest underneath. This should represent the responsible working adult however as we see he is playing a game on his mobile phone we think other wise. Viva says to him 'Would it kill you to make me a snack already' sounding very demanding, but his response was'I'm not prepared to take that rest' not even glancing at Viva. This shows that her and her father have almost swapped roles, as he is acting like he is the teenager slouching on the sofa whilst playing a game. And Viva comes in and puts her school bad on the work top to show she's had a day of work. However the Vivas step mum walks in with her floral dressing gown on and sits on the sofa demanding her to do things. This shows that her step mum is higher than her and as she is also Viva PE teacher as the warm up shes telling them what to do which shows her higher status in society.

Sound plays an important role in this extract to represent the generation differences. As the extract begins with an up beat, fast, energetic and modern song. This shows that the teenagers are very fun and energetic towards life, and don't want to do anything but party, as the song is a up beat dancy song. Video game noises are used as Viva walks in and out of her house, these noises back up the fact that he father is playing video games and not being responsible for what he has to do. The noises are loud so it shows how he uses them to block out noise and how stuck into the game he is rather than caring and taking interest in his own daughter. There is a long classical note used as Viva's step mum takes her towel off her head, almost like it is a sexual part of the film to show her attractiveness and importance. However it end with a short sudden noise to surprise the audience that it is in fact not a beautiful lovely step mum but a old teacher from her school. Putting sound into this bit shows the importance of her that she get her own little bit in the extract. It is then followed by with a song called 'Fuck you' this represents her mood and how she is a teenager, she is  not young and cannot use swear words, she thinks of her self being mature and responsible enough to use them. This also show her anger toward the other generation because the power of the older generation has led to her having to move out. 

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