Tuesday 25 September 2012

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and Gratifications Theory 

During the 1960's were the first generation to experience and grow up with television. Then media theorist realized that audiences made the decisions on what they have watched on television. Although we are all do this subconsciously, as we are all individuals, we all consume texts in different ways and for different reasons.

In 1948 Lasswell suggested that media texts had the following functions for individuals and society:

  • Surveillance
  • Correlation
  • Entertainment
  • Cultural transmission 
Then in 1974 researchers Blulmer and Katz expanded this theory and published their own theory. Stating that individual might choose and use text for the following purposes...

Uses and Gratification 

  • Diversion- Getting away for day to day life problems and routines.
  • Personal relationships- Using media for emotional and other interactions. E.g. substituting soap operas for family life.
  • Personal Identity- Finding something that relates to you in the texts, learning behaviour  and values from texts.
  • Surveillance- Information which can be helpful and useful for day to day use in life. E.g. Weather reports.

1 comment:

  1. Good, you're keeping up to date with the weekly tasks. Keep up the good work! Ms Keenan
