Wednesday 26 September 2012

Why do audiences enjoy watching crime dramas?

Why do audiences enjoy watching crime dramas?
People watch crime dramas for various reasons, simply because they find them entertaining, and relaxing way to spend there evenings. But there are other reasons such as; some people like to have thrills in there life, and that is what their lives are focused on, but also there are people who dont have enough thrills in their life, so they watch crime dramas for vicarious thrills. So that they dont have to live their life like that but get a thrill of watching someone else doing it. Or simply just because they would like a quiet night in watching tv, but dont want to be watching something boring but want to be kept on the edge of their seats. 

People may use crime dramas as a escape from their own lives. Going into their own little world trying to solve the mystery of the unknown events and in that hour or so can forget about anything on their minds, problems and their daily routines.

Also some of the audience could watch crime dramas for personal relationship, for example elderly people who do not have the strong relationships they used to have, therefore their lives have been focused around the crime dramas, interacting with the characters through the story going on. Because they are lonely and dont see their family as much or even at all. The crime dramas could be a way of having a relationships, feeling that watching the drama weekly could make them feel as if they know the characters and are part of their lives. And then not feel as lonely.

Personal identity could be formed by the audience, they may watch the crime dramas to see what is right and what is wrong. Finding out the conciquences of crime these days. They may also be doing crimes themself, and see what they are doing wrong and dont want to end up like the people in the crime dramas. They reflect their own personal life into the crime dramas and learn their moral behaviour and values. Seeing what is important in life.

Some people may watch crime dramas to show the difference in crime from what crime used to be to todays e.g.
Inspector George set in the 1960's is a more of a comedy friendly banter, between the police officers. They are dressed very smart and organised. 
However in more modern crime drama Good Cop, it is set around 2011. I found that it has a more rural approach to it with starting with a dull, dark setting with police sirens going off in the background showing the todays crime close up with inspectors have lack of respect for eachother. Looking down on people lower down in the job with no friendship bond. They are all casual and not very responsible. Where as in Inspector George the two inspectors had a close family, father and son bond, having respect to on another no matter how high up they are in the police industry. 

This shows that people may watch crime dramas to compare the difference in crime through out the UK in the last 50 years. Some people may prefer to watch more of a sutal crime drama e.g. like elderly people so therefore they may prefer to watch older crime dramas like Inspector George. But they also may watch newer dramas to show what is going on in the world these days as they may not be fully aware. It can help people to be more street wise, aware what actually could happen.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful consideration of the reasons audiences watch crime dramas, with reference to specific TV series as evidence to back up your points. Aim to refer to media theory to further explore the issue and compare your opinions to those of media theorists, eg. uses & gratification and audience theory. Situate your specific examples in the context of TV drama genres and TV crime genres and sub-genres to show wider awareness of the range of crime drama both currently and in TV history. Also, do check your spelling and be careful with 'their' and 'there'! Ms Keenan.
