Tuesday 9 October 2012

How are social groups represented in a music video?

How are social groups represented in a music video? 

In the media social groups can be represented in many different ways, through text, images, the clothes they wear, their behaviour. But in music video's all of this can be seen at once, the few minutes that they are being filmed. The music industry is very big, therefore there are various of different types of styles of music to suit the particular/certain audience the band, singer etc want to attract. So, social groups are formed in music videos. This could be shown through class, race or gender. 

One social group which we as a audience see alot of in music videos are, Rappers. The men are represented as rich 'pimps' covered in head to toe gold and diamonds. They are represented as irresistible to women although they have little respect for the women. They show that they are irresistible by the showing the wealthy side to their lifestyle, filming their music videos in big mansions, with glass and crystal expensive furniture, and girls prancing round it nothing more than just their underwear. They are stereotypically usually known for being black gangster rappers. And if they are not in their huge million dollar houses, they are simply in the streets of rough rural areas of America; from where the majority have originated from. This represents the violent and criminal sides of the rappers, showing the audience that they are tough. They are represented as gang cultures when the music videos are set out on the streets. Usually wearing extremely baggy clothing, (jeans low down, trainers, and t-shirt and hoodie with chains). What they wear really show the audience what they are representing, as they are not from a rich high achieving background the majority of the time but have worked their way up to the top but still stay loyal and represent their home towns by filming their music videos there. 

Women can be represented very differently depending on who is in the video with them. If women aren't actually artists and are simply just models in the background, they are represented as a piece of meat for the male side of the audience to drool over. As they prance around in their underwear, they are being represented as sex objects and in a very derogatory manor. This is for people to be attracted and listen to the song and could end up really liking the video. Not only is it what the women do in the music videos but its is also the lyrics of the music video, they have raunchy lyrics and the women are they support what the music is saying as they use their body and face to attract men. e.g. in the video Strip by Chris Brown, he sings about girls in a sexual way but the women are represented as backing up what he is saying and represented as an easy target.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SUC8vTEYYg

However in some other music videos women are shown as very independent inspirational women, who are role models for teenagers, and women in today's society. Showing the complete opposite to what the other women in the other video's such as rap video's as i was just previously talking about. Some music videos can be very inspirational and show people what is right. In these music videos women are represented as a modern day women, independent and capable to do everything herself, working hard to get what she want and what she deserves. Helping others around them. E.g. Beyonce Knowles new single I was here.
The video begins with a title showing how Beyonce wants to inspire people around her, and then as she walk onto the huge stay whilst millions of fans scream for her apperence, the light hight lights her curvaceous body,  this represents her as a real women who is showing how women should be, the light shining on her creates the idea that she is the perfect role model. She stand up right and strong to show her dignity. The music video is not just on her but on others who are suffering around the world, this really emphasises the fact that she represents kindness and selfless. She also sings with a strong powerful voice to show the power of the lyrics that affects the rest of the world. The camera flashes on the audience from time to time to show that she has infatuated the audience. 

Another type of sterotype is rock bands. Rock bands are represented as a living life to the full and not caring about anything but 'sex, drugs and rock and roll'. The music video usually consists of just simply the band, lights, and the stage with a excited enthusiastic crowd. The grungy rough, covered in tattoo's appearence, represents the rebelious lifestyle they live. They are represented as just to have fun and live life drinking and parting. They are not represented as the most wanted lifestyle for parents wanting the children to live, however all teenages want to living life like there's no tomorrow. The stomping around, heading banging, and the violent strums to the guitar and bangs on the drums, represents the aggressiveness and anger being let out through their music. The lighting on the stage with just no scenery but the instuments and wires running across the stay for techinical reason represent the simpleness of their music, using only music to entertain their audience. E.g. Reckless by You me at six. 

1 comment:

  1. You consider a range of different videos and how they fit into the genre. Aim to cover just one video, but in more detail, referring to technical choices such as shot types in order to illustrate how meaning is constructed. Can you embed the videos into the blog instead of pasting the link? Aim to add some images to illustrate your comments or particular shot types. NB - music videos = plural (no apostrophe needed). Well done, some thoughtful work here. Ms Keenan
